Saturday, April 8, 2023

Update... WIP

Hey, it's me, Magi. My mom is busy writing her new book, so I wanted to let you know that I'm going to be in the new book. This is the second time she's written me into one of her novels. I'm so excited!

She decided to take me along on her travels to a magical land. Because I go everywhere with her anyway. But I really like this new world she's dragged me into.

She won't let me say too much about the story yet, but I can tell you that it's about the magic of words, and coffee!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Writers Need Coffee

It's true. Writers do need coffee. It's a known fact.

I've got some exciting news... 

I'm starting a new series for writers...

Can't say too much about it at the moment because it's just starting to brew, but I can tell you it will involve coffee and writingthe two things that Mocha Latte (of Novel Quest) loves. She'll be in the first book and she's going on a magical, novel-writing adventure.

I thought it would be fun to begin this series in Camp NaNoWriMo. I'll be updating and offering insights into my journey throughout the month.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

New Year, New Novel

 If you're a writer, I'll bet one of your New Year's Resolutions is to write a novel. Me, too. 

This is a wonderful goal, a beautiful dream, but the reality might not match up, at least in the beginning. It takes a lot of time and effort to write a novel. Not trying to discourage you, just saying that every writer, no matter how many books you've written, whether they're bestsellers or flops, all start out the same way. With the first word, and your perseverance to push through the crappy first draft.

It happens to all of us. When I begin a new book (and I've written a lot of books), and I'm sitting at my computer looking at a blank page, all the scribbled notes I have, and all the thoughts I have in my head about the novel, seem to evaporate and I'm looking at a blank screen. I can see the finished novel in my mind, and I know it will eventually find its way onto paper, BUT I tend to trip myself up when first beginning a new book. 

There's a phrase for this and it's called First Word Phobia. I experience this Every. Single. Time. The only way to get through it is to just put your butt in the chair and type words. Any words. Maybe just notes to yourself about the novel you're writing. Just to get something down on paper. Once you've got a few pages, first word phobia disappears, like magic. Because your muse takes over. Your characters start whispering to you. The words start to grow, tripping over each other to get written on the page.

You can do this. I can do this. You can write a new novel in the new year. Go for it! Do it!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Novel Writer's Survival Guide

Box Set ~ 30-Day Novel Series...

Novel Writer's Survival Guide offers all three books in the 30-Day Novel Series.

Novel Notes offers you a workbook and blueprint to sketch out and shape your story.

30-Day Novel offers a road map for your 30-day novel writing adventure.

30-Day Novel Cookbook offers quick and easy recipes so you won't stave during your novel-writing month.

There's even a preview of Novel Quest which offers a lighthearted look at writing a novel in thirty days.