Sunday, October 25, 2015

Doing a D.O.R.G.

Okay. I admit it. I might be a little crazy. I mean, who writes a 50,000-word novel in a month? You'd have to be crazy to do that.

You'd have to be even crazier to write a 50,000-word novel in ONE DAY! Yet, some people do it. And I figure if they can do it, so can I... :)

It's called a D.O.R.G.Day One Ridiculous Goal.

So now you know... I have a DORG. I'm crazy. I'm going to write my entire novel in 24 hours (or less). Gonna need a lot of coffee for this. Good thing I'm named after a coffee.

Update... November 2

Umm, let me tell you a story about my D.O.R.G. It turned into a D.O.R.K.Day One Ridiculous Krazy (okay I know that's not how you spell crazy, but after you write 34,728 words in less than 24 hours, that's the way it's spelled... :) And I really should admit that my manuscript is a hot mess.

Note to Self: Don't do this again. Ever. Really. Never Again. At least not until next year... :)

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